Tuesday 7 January 2014

Morning Exercise

This morning after the usual warming up,  the trainer taught us to do back lunges, sit through leg extension (kara-oke), and other steps which I have no name to refer to.

It is good to have someone guide me through the exercises. This ensures that I have an hour of exercise thrice a week.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Last Session With Personal Trainer

I had my last session with the personal trainer.

We started with the usual warm up. 2 sets of 10 times each of Inchworm, swing legs, reach down and reach up, swing arms, push up, squatting, jumping jack.

Then 20 times of mountain climber, 30 times of jumping Jack, 20 times of lifting legs with 2 hands on hip lying down, 30 times of jumping jack, 20 times of squatting, 30 times of jumping jack.

After that 4 times of full plank for 20 seconds each.

We finished off with stretching. cobra, Hip Flexors stretch, arm stretch by stretching arm up,
that ends the session, about 30 min only.