Tuesday 22 September 2015

Conventional Mother

I am a conventional mother. I chose to be a conventional mother when my elder son was in Primary 3, and my younger son was in Primary one. Before that I worked 8am to 5:30pm, and was always in a rush. I looked forward to weekends and public holidays when I could slow down to take things easy for the children and for myself. My husband was especially busy during weekends and public holidays with many church and NGO activities. Looking back, it was really a sacrifice because we did not have much holiday times as a family together when the children were young. Anyway, my decision to quit the job was right, but with single income, it was a trade-off.

Even until today, I believe that it is a blessing to growing children when they can come home to see mother in the house. I study recipes and prepare lunch and dinner so that my children always look forward to having meals at home. It is also a blessing to see them enjoying my cooking. 

Well, now that they have grown up, I guess I have to let them learn to be independent to prepare for their own families in the near future. 

I am still working out how I want to live my life for the coming years while preparing for old age.

May the Lord leads my path.