Friday 29 July 2016

Malaysia Coffee

I develop coffee drinking habit from my father.  When I was young, my mother used to make one pot of coffee and one smaller pot of Chinese tea every morning. As like most mothers, one of the first thing to do in the morning is to boil a pot of water.  The hot water was poured over the local coffee powder in the pot and over the Chinese Tea( 铁观音). Then a few spoonfuls of sugar were stirred into the coffee. 10 of us in the family would either drink coffee, tea or plain water. This is my memory of local coffee. And thus naturally deem morning drink with breakfast.

Then, came instant coffee and coffeemate. Seemed to taste very well to replace local coffee. A cup of Nescafe+coffeemate+sugar became a finale for every meal. The clever selling skill of Nestle introduced 3 in 1 small packages. I couldn't part with it. I don't know how many years I drank Nestle 3-in-1. Over 20+ years! Oh! Gosh! How much sugar and hydrogenated oil had I unknowingly consumed to raise the cholesterol and sugar level in my body?! How much fat have I developed due to that?

When my husband started taking metformin, I started to take an interest in nutrition. I observed the food he ate, and I ate. And to work out what to omit, and how to balance our food intake. My husband used to be constantly drinking coffee, so much so that I thought he has made a habit of drinking coffee, like naturally forcing himself down with coffee, instead of enjoying it.