Tuesday 22 March 2011

Drinking Cappuccino in Olde Station

Last Tuesday night, my husband and I went to Popular bookstore in citymall.  He bought 2 books with 70% discount.  After that we decided to have a cup of drink so as to have some time together outside the house.  We stopped by Olde Station since our car was parked just outside the shop.  I ordered a cup of Cappuccino while he ordered kopi-O.

When the waitress served us with the drinks, I was very sure that it was not Cappuccino as it didn't have milk froth on top with sprinkle of cinnamon powder. Besides, it tasted like coffee mix!

Walking to the bartender, I questioned whether my Cappuccino was supposed to be made from coffee bean, freshly brewed with milk froth on top.  Know what?  To my surprise, he told me that my cup of Cappuccino was made with coffee powder.  Then he showed me a small clear plastic bag with coffeemix......and that is how Olde Station makes Cappuccino, Teh-C........ and other drinks!  All pre-mix in small plastic bag!  If you don't believe, next time when you order your drink at the bartender, look at the shelf by the side with all the drinks label.  The bartenders just conveniently took the plastic bag based on your order, remove the stapler bullet, pour in a cup, add hot water and ice (if you order cold drink).

I felt cheated.  I paid RM3.50 for a cup of coffeemix which I so strongly against of drinking.

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