Monday 13 February 2012


Menopause?  Nap very frequently these two years.  After sending off children to school, I normally make sure all the clothes are done  before breakfast, then follow by a shower.  The shower always make me feel so drain out that I quickly jump to my bed for half an hour nap.  Lunch also make me doze off.  A quick nap will allow me to work through the afternoon.  In the evening before 11pm, my eyes are so tired that I fall asleep very fast.

I don't know why I need so much sleep now.  People used to say that you can't sleep much as you grow older.  But I seem to be just the opposite.  My friend said I may be going through menopause but checking the websites tell me that you can't sleep well during menopause.

Never mind, this is my physical changes in my body.  Just tune to my psychology clock.

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