Monday 28 May 2012

Clear Sky

Returned from Taipei on 11th May 2012. It rained on that day. Quite heavy. After that, for more than 2 weeks, the weather has been unbearably hot. It's really burning hot on my skin even though I try to stay away from the sun in the house. I can't do much productive work. Should I consider installing air-conditional to make my stay in the house more comfortable to produce more productive work?

The sky has been very clear, very often, without cloud. The cloud comes and blown away. My opposite neighbour who retired years ago almost does burning every day, anytime he likes.  This is very annoying, to feel hot and to smell burning smokes, and it makes my clothes hung out to carry the smoke smell.

Should I install air-condition? Or should I live without to save electricity and to be environmentally friendly?

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