Thursday 8 January 2015

Growing Vegetables Choy Sam

I am growing Choy Sam using planter's pot at my backyard. This is the second time I successfully grow them. The first batch was in November when I decided to invest in planter's pot and buying soil from the fertilizer shop in November. I tried planting the vegetable on raised floor bed before but it was really difficult with the weeds and snails. Furthermore, I can't squat for too long to weed the grass and the snails just kept coming.

A few advantages with planter's pots:

1. portable. I bring one pot indoor to wait for the seedlings to grow big enough to transplant them. I can place the pots on table so that I don't have to squat. After transplant, I leave the pots indoor with sufficient sunlight for 2 to 3 days before I slowly expose them in full sunlight.

2. reduce weeds. Controllable weeds in the pots. If I grow on raised floor, the weeds just come out from everywhere.

3. avoid snails. I can move the pots away from areas where the snails are plenty. I can also put snails poisons around the pots so that the snails don't have a chance to come into the pots.

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