Friday 6 November 2015

Planting Ladies Fingers/Okra at my backyard

I have recently grown Ladies' Fingers on two pots at my backyard.  It is really easy. Just get a pot, some good soil, and good seeds, sunlight and water

With two plants, I get to harvest everyday, just after one month of growing from seeds.

Sometimes I harvest one, sometimes two, and yesterday three. They can grow long very fast. During the day time, they can grow about one inch!

Because Ladies' Fingers grow very fast, when it is about 5 inches long, just harvest it, or else it will get old, and the fibre becomes too hard to bite on.

Last week I steamed stuffed Ladies' Fingers with minced meat, made some gravy to go with it. 
A few days later, I cooked curried chicken rice with Ladies' Fingers.
Today, I shall steam Ladies' Fingers tops with oyster sauce and fried scallot.

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