Tuesday 28 June 2011

Invest in Oversea Land Banking?

I came to be aware of such investment about 3 years ago when a friend invited me to an office in Tanjung Aru Plaza.  The company registered in Malaysia to market this investment was Eagle something.  The talk was shared by a speaker from Singapore.  Among the guests were some insurance agents, unit trust agents and of course, potential investors.

On the back drop of the office were impressive pictures of on-going constructions going on in the marketed sites. 

We were told by convincing returns of the plots of lands sold in previous projects.  This so-called new land was in Canada.  The land was purchased in big piece and divided into smaller plots so that the price is affordable to retail investors like us.  Investors are guaranteed with minimum returns and liquidity, blah blah blah.  Once the Canadian authority approves the project plan, the plots of land will worth many times more than what we invest.  Investors are invited to Canada to view the land, and even given the plot number like our land title. XD:

I had doubts in my mind as to why market the Canadian land in Singapore and Malaysia?  How can I entrust this Malaysian Registered company to safeguard my money?  All the financial investments in Malaysia are regulated and must be approved by Security Commission and Bank Negara.  Should anything wrong, I don't think SC and BNM will get their hand in.  Furthermore, instead of investing in land banking oversea which I have no control and won't have access to any reliable source of information related to my investment, why don't I just invest in Malaysia?  Isn't plantation (oil palm) land more likely to give me better return? 

I have not gone back to ask the investors about their investment but I have this interesting site to tell me my instinct was right.

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