Tuesday 4 December 2012

Time With My Teenagers

My elder son has further his tertiary education oversea. My younger son will be sitting for his SPM next year. We have this idea of sending him to Institute Sinaran after his SPM because his current school doesn't seem to plan properly for senior 3 science stream to sit for their Independent Chinese School Exam.

It will be another 2 years to be with my younger son daily. Driving him to school, cooking meals for him, and asking him to take shower! When they have left home for further study, they may settle down for a job away from home as well after graduation. Should they marry someone who doesn't come from KK, I believe the chances of being physically close to them would be rare.

Someone posted on facebook. If he goes home twice a year to see his parents, should his parents live another 30 years, he would see them 60 times only! This make me really treasure my time with my children.

Mummy loves both of you, but I can't keep you next to me forever. I still carry the sweet memory of both of you wanting me to be with you all the time, and wanting to hold my hands when we went out, and wanting to sit next to me when we dined out. It seems like yesterday, when both of you annoyed me because both of you always fought to sit next to me. When I think back, I wish we could turn back the time.

Nevertheless, you need to grow, and look for your own freedom and way of living. Should we have a chance to live together after your graduation, it is a rich blessing from God for me!

God bless both of you!

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