Tuesday 19 June 2012

Is This God's Will?

In our life, we are bound to encounter ups and downs. We are faced with choices. When we are uncertain of what to do next, or when we are not happy with what and where we are now, or when it seems to be better to change our mind, we would ask God. Is this what you have prepared for me? If you have not prepared for me, this thing should not have put before me. If it is not your will, why don't you stop it?

Deep down inside our hearts, sometimes we cheat ourselves. We know what God wants us to do. But if what God wants us to do is not as good as the other choice, we would find excuses and reasons. We blind our hearts by arguing with God.

However, very often, it doesn't matter which choice we choose. God will allow. As what Pastor preached, read the Bible and let the verses speak to you. Pray to God so that you have time to listen to God. It is very strange to realize that the person we talk most with everyday is ourselves. Spare some time to speak to God, and listen to his answer by reading the Bible.

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