Wednesday 27 June 2012

Old Age Spot/Liver Spot

I started to notice pigmentation and old age spot 10 years ago when I was 40 years old. The spots are getting more and more on my cheeks, forehead, hands and legs where they are exposed to the sun.

I don't usually go out in the sun. Most of the time, I stay in the house. Living in Kota Kinabalu, you just can't escape from the sun. My house is corner terrace house. My room is full of sun-shine from 6.30am to 6.30pm. I can feel the sunlight even sitting in my room.

The pigmentation and liver spots are really annoying. I try to cover my hands and my face as much as possible when I drive. I suppose it helps a bit.

My friend asks me to go for laser treatment. However, laser treatment is expensive. The skin specialist also tried to sell me her sun-screen and other things that she said will help but these things are too expensive. The advice she gave was to keep away from the sun and to bring along an umbrella.

Browsing through the web, it says that drinking apple cider vinegar and applying aloe vera on spots and pigmentation and cleanse the liver and to lighten the affected areas accordingly.

Someone gave my husband aloe vera. I am using it to apply on my face when I come home from outside. I have sensitive skin. I believe this worsen my skin condition. Anyway, just drink the apple cider vinegar and use aloe vera for one or two weeks to see whether there is any improvement.

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