Tuesday 28 August 2012

Inner Healing

Heard over I-FM radio about a dying man who did wrong to his family that caused broken relationship. His wife and children refused to care about him when he had cancer. He had no way to turn to but to welfare home. A young social worker was kind enough to give him plenty of attention despite his bad attitude and smelly tumor. Eventually he was touched by the young man and requested to go home just once more. The young man arranged the trip. The dying man, in his bedroom, sitting on the wheelchair, with the door opened, started to pour out how sorry he was to hurt his family. His wife and children were in another rooms with doors opened as well. Believing that they had heard his apology, he left leaving behind a letter for his wife.

The next day, the man passed away in his sleep. The social worker shared that when we can't solve our problems or conflicts externally, solve them internally. Very often external things or people were just beyond our control. Time can't be wind back. When we face such situation, it is important for us to settle these problems internally. Chinese said 放下,放开. Christians would ask for God's forgiveness.  Some people will do good hoping to contra out the bads they did. No matter how, I believe one day we have to pay back the 'bads' that we did when we do them knowingly.

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