Friday 31 August 2012

Neil Armstrong and Moon Worshipping

Neil Amstrong. First person to walk on the moon in July 1969.  I was eight years old.  Read about him in my Chinese textbook in primary school. I even had a t-shirt that printed his famous saying "That's one small step for a man, one giant step for mankind".

I still remember my mother would look for the moon on 中秋节 (mid-autumn festival or mooncake festival). She would prepare a foldable table facing the moon and served on it were mooncake, peanuts, chinese tea, small yam and 菱角. She would give my brother and I a few stick of incense and asked us to worship the moon. Then, after this handsome astronaut had set his foot on the moon, my father teased my mother that Apollo had been to the moon and saw no 嫦娥,吴刚 and 玉兔.

That was a beautiful story, not only the children believed, the adults also believed that we could sometimes figured out the shaped of a man chopping a tree on the moon, and next to him were a lady wearing the 古装 together with her rabbit.

The American spoiled our 童话故事。ha.

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