Friday 31 August 2012

When Life Faces Hurdles

Hubby faced his hurdle in 2007. Our family budget was tight since 2001 when he enrolled in Sabah Theology College. In fact, I resigned from my work in2000 because I want to take care of my children myself instead of putting them in the care of others. They were 7 and 4 years old. 

Hubby also resigned from his work a few months after my resignation because he didn't want to be transferred to work in KL, and his father promised him that his family run biscuit business can bring him at least RM4000 monthly. Thinking that if he put more time to organize and to run the biscuit business, he would be generating more than what his father was making. Not knowing that his father was too optimistic in his estimation, the work was actually laborious, and earning was far below RM4000. 

I brought along 2 sons to visit hubby in Tawau. There he was, working together with the Indonesians ladies, sweating, tiring and having to deliver the biscuits to the shops and to canteen in palm oil plantation. He was quiet in church life, maintaining a Sunday church goer only. His father would object to the changes he made with the workers and the work process. Hubby would rest at night but his father felt that he should cut the labels and other works so that the workers only need to focus on biscuit making in the day time. I felt sorry for my hubby. There was no quality in his life and I strongly felt that this type of life wasn't for us.  There must be something better as we were both professional!

Knowing his calling since young, I encouraged him to do his seminary study, and I prayed to return to work for three years, with salary income of RM4000. God answered my prayer! I got a job with my first interview and the offer was what I asked for. I was further convinced that there was no mistake in choosing this path. Praise God for that, not only he gave me a job with the offer I asked for, this was the assurance from God that hubby should do his seminary study in preparing himself to serve God!

When he graduated in end 2003, he started to involve himself in a social work together with 2 other ladies who requested him to set up a social welfare organisation. One lady had her burden in hospital visitation, while the other needed an umbrella to carry on mental illness care. Hubby is successful as a pioneer in many areas, this is his gift from God. He led the association for 3 years successfully, until people were jealous of him, and wanted to overthrow him. I felt this was ironic when you are spending the prime of your year to do good with not so well-paid income, there are people who do not appreciate. Christians were sinners, and are still sinners, until when we see God face to face.

Anyway, I still think the three years were great because of the needs who were attended. In year 2007 and 2008, hubby helped out his brother in an independent church. The church was like china-men run company. We left the church. Hubby started to look for job opportunity. Being the man in the family, he was hard-working. He started to make biscuits again in the house, and sold them to coffee shops and titbits shops. He lost weight because he did everything manually and on his own. In 2010, his previous colleague offered him a job in KL. He flew over. In 2011, he came back because he wanted to be with us, and we needed him in the house. The boys were 18 and 15. They needed a father in the house, as boys would want a father to be in the house. 

I can see that we were financially very tight for the past 10 years, I taught my children to be thoughtful and responsible of their spending. They are very careful with their spending even now. Now that hubby and I are both 51 and 50, God is giving us what we didn't save for our children's education. My elder son has just got his entry into tertiary in Taiwan. I am preparing RM80K for him. My younger son will be further his study in less than 3 years. God has given us enough for my elder son. Hubby continues to serve God in the way God wants him to. We realize that in good or bad, never give up on God. Continue to trust God that He did not forget about you.

Praise be with our Lord!

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