Monday 14 January 2013

Hypertension Medication

My General Practitioner, Dr.Ng, at Clinic Luyang prescribed me with Novartis Diovan (Valsartan) 80 mg when my blood pressure reading remained at 140mmHg/90 in mid 2011.  She increased the dosage to 160mg because my blood pressure didn't seem to drop. She was such a conscience doctor that she took the trouble to analyse my blood test reports. She noticed that my potassium level had been consistently low. After that she referred me to Endocrine Specialist. 

I went through the ammonium chloride test which they called renal tubular acidosis. That was in Sept 2011. My blood PH was at 7.296. Anyway, I don't know what it means but the doctor said there was nothing to concern. However, they wanted to find out why my blood pressure reading didn't come down despite increasing the valsartan to 160mg. I was put to do ECG, treadmill, heart scan, and thank God that my heart proves healthy. The Specialist did not see it necessary to do angiogram because it carries risk. 

Finally, besides Valsartan 160mg, he gave me Ranbaxy Vamlo 5mg (Amlodipine Besilate) . That was in end April 2012. Ranbaxy Vamlo seems to work wonder in me. Not only it brings back my blood pressure reading to normal, it cures me of migraine and my subsequent potassium level return to normal! 

I used to have bad migraine at least once a month. My first migraine attacked was when I was 28 years old. It got worse when I was 30+. If I slept late, watched too much Tv, staring too long at computer (I worked as Software Engineer), too stress, staying too long under the sun, all these would trigger migraine for 1 to 3 days.  I don't know why Amlodipine Besilate can cure me of 3 illnesses. Are they related? After going through this series of tests, I came to realize that doctors may not know our health better than we do. They may not as good as we thought they are. I wish there is a clue to my question so that I know how actually my health is.

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