Saturday 1 September 2012

Rearing Backyard Chickens In KK

chicks, 18 of them

Growing fast, the coop did not have enough room for them. So, we kept them at the open.

Meal time


This was the open air coop, all the grasses except pandan leaves were pulled out by the chickens.

Hubby borrowed the baskets from a friend to bring them for slaughtering.

My younger son slaughtered 3 chickens. He was brave. The cleaning took me a lot of time.

In December last year, hubby came to agree with younger son to raise some chickens. I only knew about that when the chicks were brought back. It was fun to see them rushing for food, for drink and to grow literally so fast. My backyard suddenly came alive.

After 1 and a half months, before we left for Tawau for Chinese New Year, hubby and younger son slaughtered 3 chickens. They had never slaughtered chickens. That must be uneasy for hubby as he had to guide my son to do that.

We were thankful that hubby's friend was kind enough to help us slaughtered all the rest of the chickens. He has a duck farm and what we needed to do was just to bring the chickens to his farm, and he gave us back the cleaned frozen chickens the next day. 

Since we were unable to keep so many chickens in our small freezer, my mother, my sisters, my brothers and hubby's brother bought some chickens from my son. We also brought along two chickens to Tawau for my in-law.

I do not mind keeping the chickens at the backyard if not because of the foul smell. My neighbour did not like it and neither did I. Other than that was the houseflies that came from nowhere.

My son loves the self-raised chickens because the meat is firmer. You really know what the chickens eat, and no chemical washing while slaughtering.

The chickens liked to sleep on the pandan leaves. The bush of pandan became their nest. The chickens sometimes had stress when a 四脚蛇 came out from the drain to chase after them. Otherwise, it was peaceful.

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