Friday 9 November 2012

Hair Dyeing

Time flies! My son asked whether when one gets older, time seems to go faster. Generally, yes, he is right. He said when he was small, time was slow. As he gets older, time seems to be fast.

My hair is my monthly calendar. When it is time to dye my hair, with the white hair showing up, I know it is another month!

Many people said that frequent hair colouring can cause cancer. But, who don't mind showing white hair? People above 50 looked old before. However, in the present time, 50s still have a long way to go! People waited for retirement when they were 50 before, but not many people dare to retire early nowadays! How to carry white hair around when you are still active in your business and in the workforce? I do sales. I don't want to look old to see my customers especially when I go out to see much younger customers than I am.

Inwardly, I would feel old if I see myself looking old on the outside. Looking younger gives me much energy to move on. LOL.

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