Saturday 10 November 2012

Using Virgin Coconut Oil

So much benefits have been heard about VCO recently.  My mother-in-law uses it to replace her laxative a few weeks ago and she found it good. My husband's cousin sister is using it to reduce weight. I don't know whether she has lost any weight but she is asking my husband to help her buy another 2 bottles.

Seeing that my brother-in-law's dark patches on his face, and his skin looks older than he actually is, a friend gave him 2 bottles to drink 2 tablespoons every morning. He said he didn't like the oily taste and he feels like throwing out after several weeks. I don't see any visual changes yet.

As for myself, my brother-in-law gave us one bottle. Since it comes free, I use it on the old-aged spot on my face. In fact, I am using it for my whole face, hands and legs. I have used it for one week. Let me try for one month and see whether the old-aged spots will lighten.

Next would be oil pulling on my gum. I have a tooth that has gingivitis problem for almost 2 years. The dentist doesn't know what to do. I'll try oil pulling starting tomorrow morning.


  1. Any noticeable benefits from using coconut oil?

    1. I stopped using it after a while because it is really oily on the skin. I dislike having coconut smell as part of my body odour. :-(
      Since the coconut oil we get here is extracted by small farmers, there is no preservative. The oil can get rancid if leaves on the skin for too long as the climate here is usually hot and humid.
      My sister-in-law said drinking VCO daily helps keep her cholesterol down and the blemishes on her skin disappeared which was caused by skin product.
