Friday 30 November 2012

Staying with in-laws

After 22 years of marriage, we have together gone through many ups and downs. There were arguments and adjusting of lifestyles to suit each other. There were times when we were worried about not earning enough, and there are times when we have rich blessings from God. All of these, we went through together, like the vow on our wedding day.

My in-laws came to stay with us on and off last year because my father-in-law had to receive cancer therapy at the hospital here.

After my father-in-law passed away, my sister-in-law commented to my hubby that in-law was unhappy with me because hubby had to do dinner cooking. In-law said I should not let hubby cooked because he has gout problem, and standing for too long in the kitchen might trigger gout pain.

Hubby said he just laughed over this because I spent more time in the kitchen preparing the food and doing all the washing. All he did was just to cook when I had finished preparing. After all, it is unfair for me to do everything in the kitchen because he brought in income and so did I. He worked and so did I.

I am glad hubby is fair but I still can't get over the feeling of being criticized behind my back. My hubby and I love one another and care for one another. Why should my in-laws make comments about our lifestyle after staying in my house. We are already half a century old. What I want to do is to live my own life without interference from my in-laws. Should they decide to stay with us for good, would I be able to take it?

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