Friday 22 March 2013

NEET 啃老族

I was shocked to hear this term  "啃老族". A search in the net revealed that in English, it is called NEET - Not Employed, Education or Training, or "returning the nest".

But in Chinese, it literally means "eating the elders'". This is frightening. What happen to our young generation?

The characteristics are as such:
  • 眼高手低型
  • 喪失自信型
  • 自我封閉型
  • 家庭溺愛型

Thursday 21 March 2013

Braised Chicken Feet with Mushroom

In my freezer, there were 8 pairs of chicken feet which I kept after cooking 8 chickens. It's time to cook braised chicken feet with mushroom. The last time I cooked this dish was two years ago. I liked it so much that I ate plenty, and eventually, came down with food allergic. I suspect it must be the not-so-good quality of chinese mushroom.

I googled the web and this site gave me the recipe that I want.

The difficult part was deep-fry the chicken feet. I didn't expect so much oil splashing on my hand, on my finger, and one drop hit on my eye lid. It's like starting a war in my small kitchen. Next time I must remember not to wait for the oil to heat up before I drop the chicken feet into the oil. Next time I must remember to chop the chicken feet into half, put the chicken feet into the cold oil, cover it with wok lid before I turn on the fire to heat up the oil. This will save me from getting injured from the splashing oil, and save me from mopping the floor and wiping the oil everywhere in the kitchen.

Anyway, the finished product was superb..... Though the colour of the chicken feet that I cooked was not so brown, but it still taste as good as those served in famous chinese restaurant. This time round, I didn't get allergic.

Friday 15 March 2013

Half yearly Hypertension Review at Hospital Queen Elizabeth

Had a regular review at Hospital Queen Elizabeth at 11.30am last Wednesday. It took me half an hour to find a parking. And it took me another 3 hours to wait for my turn to see the doctor. Worst still, the doctor took less than 5 min to attend to me. He was wearing a mouth mask, and looked down to write notes as he talked to me. He didn't answer to the problems I raised, finally I gave up and asked him just to let me continue the prescription the Endocrine Specialist last gave me.

My hp reading was 116/64, which I considered very low as compared to my usual reading (130/80), especially when the reading was taken right after I walked 10min from the car park to the hospital. I got tired easily nowadays, light-headed when I stood for about 30min. I am just wondering how does one know whether she is taking the correct medication. I initially took Valsartan 160mg only, the specialist added Amlodipine 5mg when the reading didn't seem to improve. Now I am wondering whether I should only take Amlodipine.

I feel that most doctors are not competent to their jobs at QE. They either do not bother or do not know how to give explanation to patients.

Perhaps I should doctor myself.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Selling Insurance and Unit Trust

For almost one year, I have been drifted away further and further from my work activities. I get to dislike approaching people for investing in unit trust and insurance protection.  As I stay longer in this line of business, I am more and more convinced that unit trust and insurance marketing departments are only interested getting sales, instead of making money and providing proper insurance for clients.

I took the effort to complete my study on Financial Planning, and obtained the certification as Registered Financial Planner. I joined the Financial Planning Company because I felt that being a tied agent to insurance company, no other insurance policy is good other than what you are selling. I don't agree with asking people to surrender their policies to buy from me. However, this is what agents are doing, especially those who are "successful" in their insurance career. This goes against my principle. Sadly to find out that Financial Planning Company are also more concerned with sales than giving proper advise to clients. Guess this line of business is not for me.

Cooking For Children

I am spending a lot of time on preparing 3 meals for my husband and children. Time with my children is getting less. My elder son was glad that he did not have to decide what to eat everyday when he was home for uni term break. When my younger son goes for further study in two years time, I would not be able to take care of them like before.

The saying about the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Ha ha! I guess it is right to say that the way to make children returning home on their own will is through their stomach. They are happy enjoying the food I cook for them, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

My younger son requested me to prepare lunch for him to bring to school because the school canteens  serve lousy food. I postponed my promise until beginning of this year. He has been very happy having home cooked lunch at school. A few of his friends requested him to bring extra because they want to buy from him. I certainly did not agree as I do not wish to make myself busy cooking for other children. Let their mothers take care of their own children. :)