Thursday 21 March 2013

Braised Chicken Feet with Mushroom

In my freezer, there were 8 pairs of chicken feet which I kept after cooking 8 chickens. It's time to cook braised chicken feet with mushroom. The last time I cooked this dish was two years ago. I liked it so much that I ate plenty, and eventually, came down with food allergic. I suspect it must be the not-so-good quality of chinese mushroom.

I googled the web and this site gave me the recipe that I want.

The difficult part was deep-fry the chicken feet. I didn't expect so much oil splashing on my hand, on my finger, and one drop hit on my eye lid. It's like starting a war in my small kitchen. Next time I must remember not to wait for the oil to heat up before I drop the chicken feet into the oil. Next time I must remember to chop the chicken feet into half, put the chicken feet into the cold oil, cover it with wok lid before I turn on the fire to heat up the oil. This will save me from getting injured from the splashing oil, and save me from mopping the floor and wiping the oil everywhere in the kitchen.

Anyway, the finished product was superb..... Though the colour of the chicken feet that I cooked was not so brown, but it still taste as good as those served in famous chinese restaurant. This time round, I didn't get allergic.

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