Friday 15 March 2013

Half yearly Hypertension Review at Hospital Queen Elizabeth

Had a regular review at Hospital Queen Elizabeth at 11.30am last Wednesday. It took me half an hour to find a parking. And it took me another 3 hours to wait for my turn to see the doctor. Worst still, the doctor took less than 5 min to attend to me. He was wearing a mouth mask, and looked down to write notes as he talked to me. He didn't answer to the problems I raised, finally I gave up and asked him just to let me continue the prescription the Endocrine Specialist last gave me.

My hp reading was 116/64, which I considered very low as compared to my usual reading (130/80), especially when the reading was taken right after I walked 10min from the car park to the hospital. I got tired easily nowadays, light-headed when I stood for about 30min. I am just wondering how does one know whether she is taking the correct medication. I initially took Valsartan 160mg only, the specialist added Amlodipine 5mg when the reading didn't seem to improve. Now I am wondering whether I should only take Amlodipine.

I feel that most doctors are not competent to their jobs at QE. They either do not bother or do not know how to give explanation to patients.

Perhaps I should doctor myself.

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