Tuesday 8 July 2014

Unit Trust With Dividend

The Bursa Malaysia is running high for a few years already. Most dividend funds are making money, distributing good dividend.  Before the dividend reaches the unit holders' hand, the taxable dividend already have its 20% taken off.

For those unit holders whose income has touched 20% tax bracket, it is really a loss, and rather have funds that don't distribute the dividend.

However, if you have large investment on dividend funds, it may be worth keeping track of the financial year for those funds. You can consider switching the funds to the money market fund that don't charge you initial charges to skip the day when the distribution is declared, and switch back the following day. This may save you from paying the 20% tax from the taxable dividend.

One thing is watch out is the terms and conditions for switching charges from equity fund to money market fund, and vice versa.

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