Wednesday 30 July 2014

Looking forward

My younger son has gotten his driving license and driving my Persona around confidently. We are glad about that. This means that I have all the time to myself other than preparing lunch and dinner if anyone choose to eat at home.

I shall be 53 on my next birthday in November. If I were to live another 30 years, what should I do now to start a new life? In this era, to me, retiring is not the type of lifestyle that I shall applause. Living, is finding a means to move on. If I live in rural area, and do not require material things, I would just grow my own food, and raise my own poultry, and catch my own fish. Living in the city area, naturally, living is to find a means to earn money, and to exchange that for the food and material things that I require.

Thinking back 30 years ago, when I was 23 years old, I started my career as Software Engineer, and worked for 20 years, changing 5 jobs in that 20 years. Did I like my jobs? I wouldn't say 100%. Perhaps 30% of the time. Doing software engineering was really brain drained. And made me a machine thinking personality.

After that, in order to have more times for my 2 boys, I chose a flexible hour job as insurance agents, selling unit trust and do Will Writing for my customers. This allows me to have some income, though never worked hard enough to win incentive trips. Because it was not my priority.

Now, my two sons have grown up. I want to make a decision like when I finished my matriculation. What do I want to do for my next 10 or 20 or 30 years? I should know better than I was 18 years old.

At this age, I don't like to drive around, I don't like to approach new customers, I like doing things at home, I like baking, I like to do online shopping, ha2, perhaps I should try my hand on online business selling baked food like business.

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