Saturday 27 April 2013

Baked Cheese Cake

I love cheese cake. But cheese cake is full of cream cheese. And cream cheese contains at least 33% milk fat. 100g of cream cheese has 1,431 kJ (342 kcal).

I have eaten a lot of cakes, bread and buns in this 11 days of baking class. I'd better watch my diet.

A quick search brings me to to check the KJ my body needs to maintain my weight.

It comes out to be 7800 KJ.

This measurement contain 13730KJ. It is 1.575kilo. We made 4 cake out of this.  Each cake is 3432KJ. Cutting into 6 slices, each slice contains 572KJ. It is 14% of the KJ intake for the day.

250g cream cheese  (3577KJ)
125g butter (3890KJ)
100g castor sugar (1616KJ)

20g corn flour (1243KJ for both)
80g flour

10 egg yolk
10 egg white
150g castor sugar (2425KJ)
350ml milk (979KJ)
1 lemon


1. In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, 100g sugar and butter until fluffy.

2. Add eggs, 3 at a time, mixing well after each addition.

3. Make sure sugar has dissolved.

4. Sift flour and cornflour together twice. Add into the mixture.

5. Warm milk. Make sure bottom does not scald.

6. Pour cream cheese mixture into milk. Stir quickly so that it doesn't scald at the bottom. Once mixture starts to thicken, remove from heat. Keep stirring until temperature has come down.

7. Stir in lemon juice into the mixture.

8. Beat egg white and castor sugar. Do not overbeat.

9. Add in egg white to mixture. Do not beat. Mix well.
将之前拌好的奶酪蛋黄糊倒入蛋白中 ,用橡皮刮刀翻起,切拌均匀(切忌画圈)。然后倒入模具中(模具四壁涂抹黄油),轻敲一下。烤盘中放水(水浴法),放入预热200度的烤箱烤15分钟,然后降到180度烤15分钟。再降到150度烤30分钟。室温或冷藏定型后取出。


10. Pour onto sponge cake.

11. Steam baked.

10. Steam baked cheese cake.

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