Friday 12 April 2013

Baking Class

I bought 2 white T-shirts at Metro Jaya to wear to the baking class starting next Wednesday. The dress code in the 3 weeks class is white T-shirts with collar, long trousers or jeans and toes wrapped shoes. I shopped at Suria Sabah this afternoon to look for a pair of comfortable flat shoes but I don't find any suitable pair with toes wrapped. Perhaps I should repair my old pair of shoes. The strings at the side came off a little bit. I think a needle and strings will fix up the loosen part.

I am looking forward to the baking class. I have tried many times to better myself in cake and bread making but sometimes they don't turn out right. I realize now that some recipes in the web and even published recipe books have mistakes in them. It's a waste of time and money and efforts and really put me off at times. I remembered many years ago when I was still a teenager, I gave my dog my "failed" recipe outcome. The dog loved my cake !!!

I strongly believe these three weeks class will get me a good start to make cake, bread and pastries. These two years have been quite relaxing. I am not much in pressure to bring in income now. Suppose it is a good time to enjoy what I love doing now.

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