Tuesday 18 September 2012

Muesli for breakfast

I found out this great recipe last year. This tastes good for breakfast, filling, nutritious and good to ease constipation. Muesli -my version.

In Western way, muesli is eaten by soaking oats in the milk. My sons do not like to eat it that way. I searched the internet for recipes, and finally do some adjustment to come out with this version. The crunchiness depends on the amount of margarine you add in. My sons just eat it like that without adding in milk. As for me, I eat with milk. Otherwise it would be too dry.

My son has constipation problem since baby. After this recipe of breakfast, it solves his problem. 

What I need to make the museli is simple:
80g margarine
500g big leaf oats
125g sunflower seed
50g sultana
50g walnut or almond, chopped
60g sugar

1. Melt margarine.
2. Add in oats
3. Stir well
4. Add in sugar
5. bake in oven, 170 C  for about 30 min, stir occasionally
6. Add in sunflower seed and walnut, and bake for another 7 min
7. After switching off the oven, keep the content in the oven

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