Tuesday 25 September 2012

My Next Move

How many jobs have I landed so far after graduation?

1985 to 2003 Programmer, System Analyst, System Engineer, Senior System Engineer, Software Manager - 18 years in software development, one year not working in Y2K to be with my 2 boys.

2004 until now as insurance agent, unit trust agent and financial advisor so that I can be flexible in managing my time and earn some income.

I am now 50. I don't think I want to do cold calling anymore. I am getting reluctant to revisit existing customers.

What do I want to do next?

If I can work until 65 yrs old, there is another 15 years to go. What is my dream? Perhaps opening a coffee house selling coffee and desserts.

What do I need to prepare?

Learn about coffee, source coffee, find out how to run a coffeehouse, learn how to bake cake, work out the capital of opening a coffeehouse

Is that the right change?

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