Thursday 4 October 2012

Children's Money Sense

From my observation, how children handle money matters are learned from parents.  Most family in Malaysia have 2 children. Sometimes you see 3 or 4. We live in a small family unlike our generation. We affect each other everyday.

Many young generations do not seem to value money as much as we do. If they don't have enough, they will go home to ask from their parents. Our society is sick.

My friend bought 3 cars for her 3 children aged 19 to 22 so that they don't fight to use the car. She is now paying 3 hire purchase, plus maintenance, petrol, motor insurance and road tax renewal. Her son likes to speeding while driving. Once she saw her son on the road, she was mad. Her son denied. Thanks to the CCTV at the highway that sent him 2 summons for speeding. Brave enough, he asked her mum to pay for the summon, though he has started working.

Why is our young generation getting irresponsible?  Are parents to blame? Have we sent them to the wrong education that they didn't learn Chinese proverbs to grow up respecting the elders?

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