Thursday 11 October 2012

Genneva Gold - A ponzi scheme?

The Edge Malaysia (Oct 8 2012) has a cover story on Geneva Gold.

There is a Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd branch in Times Square. I am aware of agents selling Geneva Gold in Kota Kinabalu. Many times, new investors are encouraged by existing investors when monthly dividends are received. Investors normally don't ask mcuh. My relative has a coffee shop in Foh Sang. Many business transactions of all types transact at the coffee shop.

To my surprise, it is estimated that there are 60K Genneva clients with investment more than RM3 billion. It is also selling in Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Philippines. There was a picture of our former PM holding a Genneva gold product at a corporate launch in 2010 in the presentation slides. It is quite hard to disbelief and to forgo such a good investment.

I feel sorry for the investors who have put in so much money, life saving, retiring money, EPF money, perhaps borrowed money from friends or banks to such investment. I sincerely hope that even if the company is running its business not according to law, there is still enough money to pay back to the investors.

Meanwhile, check your other investments with Bank Negara and Security Commission. You could have friends and family members who can assist you to understand what your other investments are. Even your unit trust investment and insurance policies, look for someone else who stay neutral to evaluate for you.

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