Wednesday 3 October 2012

Hot Shower Make Skin Dry

My beautician friend told me that I should not wash my face with warm water. The temperature makes skin dry and cause problems with skin eventually.

After that, I keep my observation. True enough, after shower with heater for a few days, I can feel my skin drier.

My colleague went to Korea for holiday. When she came back, she said that the Koreans have good skin. The tour guide told them that Korean prefer cold drink rather than hot drink, and that was the reason for good skin. It sounded illogical, probably there is some truth to that?

Anyway, living in the equator, the climate is always hot and humid. Day in day out, we are under the sun most of the time. In the car and even in the house. My house has full sunlight. I don't need the lamp throughout the day except in the kitchen and in the toilet. Sun is bad to skin.

The skin specialist I went to a few years ago told me that sun is the worst enemy of our ladies' skin. She has nice skin without any blemishes. I think she is the only skin specialist who practices as beautician. She has very good business, and she only works half day. She asked me to carry an umbrella where ever I go. She does that. Even crossing the road, she uses her umbrella. She even uses sunblock in the house!

In order to maintain beauty, a lot of efforts are required, and money to buy all those beauty products. I don't want to spend money on beauty products as that would be long term expenses. I just be cautious of the sun.

The Westerners come here for sun, and we are here afraid of sun. Ha!

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