Wednesday 10 October 2012

Unit Trust Consultants

I passed my unit trust exam with FIMM many years ago. I have attended many unit trust training sessions at Prudential Unit Trust (now call Eastspring), Public Mutual, AmInvestment, RHB etc. Of all the training sessions, the trainer and managers will ask you to sell, sell, sell. They will teach you how to answer objections. Tell you what are the common objections and how you should prepare yourself for such kind of objections. They will show you how good the performance of their investments are. When new funds are launched, they will tell you blah blah blah, so that you feel that the investments are good for your friends and customers, and they you go, following what they have psycho you.

My sales volume has never hit the targets for oversea trips. I feel that when I sell unit trust, I am asking my clients to trust me for the return of their investments. I don't feel comfortable because after attending so many trainings and listening to so many sharing from 'successful consultant', I haven't seen the trainers have emphasized on making good returns for our clients. 'Consultants' will extract good performance of the past years' record, or pick on successful investment of their clients to persuade their clients. Even the managers are selling this way. I feel that most of the unit trust and insurance agents in Malaysia are not up to the level of being responsible 'advisers'. I would say many are merely good 'sales person'.

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