Thursday 4 October 2012

职场增值 Increasing your value at work

A Singaporean motivational speaker was invited by a KK church to conduct workshop  on increasing your value at work. Every attendant has to pay more than one thousand to attend the 2 days workshop. I heard that the respond was very good. The church said that this speaker charged more than RM5000 for similar workshop outside the church, and this was a very special "discount" for church members. After the workshop, the pastor asked the participants to share. The participants were excited and motivated, and many said value for money.

However, one church member who has been life insurance for at least 30 years, was fury after the workshop. He said he has attended so many similar motivation talks in life insurance industry. And why should the church members including the elders stood up clapping their hands welcoming the entry of the speaker. The speaker is neither God or Jesus!

After a few months, the same workshop was brought to the seminary. Charges remained above RM1000. I signed. Many Christians in KK are innocent. I should not question them but I think some people became regular church goer or cell group members because they just want to belong to somewhere. Perhaps church is perceived as a safe place to belong to. Do churches more like clubs to non-christians?

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