Monday 15 October 2012

My House Is Not For Sale

We bought our house 22 years ago. Before we got married, we looked for a house. Never owned a house before that, and never calculated the costs of buying a house. Two young adults from humble families, looking for a house to start a home. Just so happen that this house is located in today's prime area, cornered house, with ample of spaces for more than 5 cars to park, and a backyard for me to do my washing and grow some vegetables. Perfect for a person like me who prefers to work and stay at home.

Since several years ago, property prices have gone up so fast in KK. Many friends drop by will tell us how much my house worth. Some even suggested that we should sell the house, buy a smaller one, and keep the cash.

We always thank the Lord that we managed to pay off the house in 10 years. Since both of us were from humble families, we do not mind saving every cent to pay the installment. With God's blessings, our payroll enabled us to settle the loan faster than we expected.

Our children grow up in this house. There are many things for them to remember. I am still keeping the markings that they made since they were very young. From the markings, we can see how fast they have grown. The toilet door was slightly damaged by my elder son when he was in the primary. I left him with the Indo maid when I went to work. The maid teased him and he was so angry that he chased after the maid with a ruler. The maid escaped to the toilet and he hit the pvc toilet door with the ruler. The mango tree grew up together with them. Bits and traces in the house bring back memory.

My house is my home. If there is no strong reason, we wouldn't sell off our memory. Other people look at our house as an investment property. We look at our house with sentimental value. After all, assets can be in many forms. Why should I convert my fixed asset into current asset? Property price will sure keep on growing but value of money goes the other way.

Nevertheless, it is not very polite to suggest to anyone to sell their house if they are staying in that house.

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