Sunday 28 October 2012


This is terap. Only found in Sabah, as I was told by my husband.

He doesn't like it. In fact, his whole family does not like terap. They said it smelt like electrical short circuit.

My husband's family came from Perak, West Malaysia. My brother-in-law married a Sabahan. One day, she bought a terap and kept it in a corner in the house. When the terap fruit has ripen, it gives out very strong smell. When my husband's family noticed the strange smell, they thought there was a short-circuit somewhere. Eventually, they found out that the smell came from terap. That was the first time they saw terap. That was a bad first impression. That's why the whole family doesn't like terap until now. lol.

I bought this terap for RM5. I ate it all by myself!!! Superb!!!

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